Lobbyists.info’s 4th Annual “12 Days of Lobbying”
By Lobbyists.info Staff
You may not be able to find a partridge in one of the California Pear Growers’ trees, but the group, which has lobbied Congress on trade issues, may be able to help you get one.
Hewlett-Packard’s Randolph V. Dove and Tina Dove of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development share a common interest in education, according to their Lobbyists.info profiles. Two turtledoves of a feather?
The United States Poultry and Egg Association has recently lobbied Congress on clean air and water issues, ensuring that those French Hens you may be looking to give your true love on the third day of Christmas are the healthiest, highest quality birds you will ever gift.
If you’re looking for four calling birds, U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbyist Dr. Ronald E. Bird, Michael Bird of the National Conference of State Legislators, the lobbyists at Alston & Bird, and BNSF Railway Company’s Rachel Bird have most assuredly made many, many calls on the various issues they represent this year.
The Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Trade Association, when they’re not working “to provide the Consumer Product Safety Commission with greater authority and discretion in enforcing the consumer product safety laws, and for other purposes,” will have good leads on the best golden rings around.
Stephen Goose is the executive director of the arms project at Human Rights Watch. While he is probably not a-laying, he is a good person to contact if, on the sixth day of lobbying, you find yourself faced with an arms conflict.
Public Policy firm Black Swan LLC – Jochum Shore & Trossevin PC does not actually have swans a-swimming out front of its DC office, but if it’s tax, trade or healthcare your true love needs represented on Capitol Hill, they’ve got you covered.
The Association of Food and Dairy Retailers, Wholesalers and Manufacturers is a good place to go for all of your milk and dairy products; though perhaps not hand-milked by maids, thanks to the association’s efforts in the retirement arena, the cows which produce the milk will be the best cared-for cows around.
Dance Place predictably lobbies Congress on arts issues, to ensure that lobbyists and non-lobbyists alike will be able to continue to enjoy nine ladies dancing all year round.
On the tenth day of lobbying, Cleveland’s LEAP (Linking Employment, Abilities and Potential) should be able to match you with the perfect leaping lords – or at least those with the potential to be perfect. They would be perfect HLOGA-compliant entertainment for your holiday party, too!
DLA Piper USA LLP PAC’s Lobbyists.info profile shows the PAC gave $419,793 to candidates leading up to the 2010 elections, split almost evenly between Democrats and Republicans.
Perhaps you can round up 12 Drummer & Associates, LLC employees to form a parade of drummers drumming to celebrate the twelfth day of lobbying. If not, they can definitely take care of appropriations, transportation or environment-related requests.
Source: Lobbyists.info, December 23, 2011